Search results

When will my credit card be charged?

When will my credit card be charged? If you are currently on a free trial and have provided credit card details, you will be charged for your first billing period (i.e. month or year) on the day after the end of the trial. Support. Docs. Community.

Neural Hashing Whitepaper

Vector-based search engines are more accurate, but they’re slow by comparison, may scale poorly, and/or are very expensive to operate.

What impact does have on ROI?

According to Google's own research, slow search has a real impact on site and cart abandonment rates. Search that is relevant delights your users and makes your content more discoverable.

The ROI of Site Search

AI search. can increase revenue anywhere from. 10% to 30%. Speaking of AI vs keyword-only search, sites with a semantic-based search engine have a. low 2% rate in shopping cart abandonment. , compared to as much as 40% on sites with plain text search.

What programming language is built in? is built 100% with Go. Go is a great language for speed, concurrency and distributed programming. Check out our. Github project. for more content on Go. Support. Docs. Community. Help Center. Status. Resources. Docs. API. SDKs. React Libraries.

The Elements of Search

This periodic table of search will continue to grow in time as new elements — features, APIs, and services — are discovered. We’d love to hear what you think! Tweet your comments to. @searchiohq. View or download full size (2.5MB). Share this. Foundation.

How AI Search Increases Conversions eBook

According to Accenture, AI search can boost revenue 10% to 30%. If your e-commerce customers can’t quickly find what they want because of a weak search engine, you’re leaving money on the table.

Does the crawler automatically crawl my website content?

Yes, the Sajari crawler will visit your website periodically to update or remove existing content in your collection.

How do I prevent pages from being crawled?

You can add data-sj-noindex anywhere in a page and it will not be indexed. Most commonly this will be defined in the. of an HTML page as follows: Locate the. tag of the page you want to prevent from being crawled.

How can I test search in a password-protected staging environment?

If your staging environment is not publicly accessible, then you will need to allow our crawler access to it.